Thursday 1 May 2014

Eacham Historical Society

While looking back over some of the Society's old records the other day, it was realized that the history centre in Malanda had just reached its 20th anniverary.  The April 1994 meeting was the first official meeting to be held in the new Eacham Historical Resource Centre but any thought of some kind of celebrations of this event was overshadowed with the sad news of the passing of two of the Society's past presidents within weeks of each other.  The presidentships of Meryl Allen and John Bailey covered some of the most important years of the Society's development and these two remarkable history buffs will be fondly remembered.  This has highlighted the problem of the aging of the group's active membership and the declining attendance at monthy meetings is becoming a concern.  On a happier note, a member decided to share a windfall they received by giving a generous donation of $500 to the Society which will be used to upgrade the chairs at the Centre.  History papers presented at the recent meetings are still of the highest quality with recent bulletins covering the history of the early newspapers of the Atherton tablelands and of the story of the remarkable Malanda Jungle Tourist Venture which was years ahead of its time.  The members who run the Society's museum at Millaa Millaa have reported an increase in visitors coming through the doors and that they are busy getting the institution ready for the approaching tourist season.

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